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Dive sites

Ras Katy

A very good drift dive. From the moorings, following the drop-off in a SE direction you come to a large ridge at approx. 22m with some large gorgonias. The ridge is usually very busy with large shoals of red-toothed triggerfish and schooling bannerfish, and often you'll see large tuna in the area too. From the plateau, heading towards Temple, there's a large plateau with numerous pinnacles.

Best to see: eagle rays, mantas, white tip reef shark Level: All levels

Ras Nasrani

Generally made as a drift dive from the boat, the dive starts in the shallow colorful area at the stepped fringing reef with large coral heads and then leads to a beautifully overgrown plateau. The reef here is very vibrant, especially on the no at a large sandy plateau, enclosed by the fringe reef and large coral heads. The reef here is full of colors and life and remember to keep an eye in the blue, especially in summertime, when this site is often visited by whale sharks.

Best to see: turtles, scorpion fish, morays, reef shark and with a bit of luck whale shark Level: Advanced

Ras Ghamila

Is the most northern of the local dive sites, and separates a shallow, sandy lagoon from the sea. Ras Ghamila is made as a drift dive,with a relatively shallow fringe reef (10-15 m), and a large, extensive sandy plateau that ranges in depth between of 14 m - 26 m. The plateau is covered with coral heads, porite corals, pinnacles and numerous large sea fans (it has the largest number of sea fans of all the dive sites around Sharm).

Best to see: turtles, large pelagic fish, different types sharks Level: All levels

Ras Umm Sid

The site is the most southern point of the Strait of Tiran. Famous for a large, dense collection of gorgonians, and widely regarded as the most beautiful in the whole of the Northern Red Sea. The site also boasts a very beautiful reef wall and two plateaus, the second of which (the most eastern of the two) is richly covered in coral pinnacle and forms a veritable forest. Entry and Exit for beach dives are done from the wooden jetty, at the beginning of the western plateau.

Best to see: turtles, manta ray, eagle ray, reef sharks Level: All levels


This site derived its name from three large coral pinnacles, one of which almost breaks the surface, that reminded divers of temple columns. The pinnacles are in the middle of a large sandy plateau that slopes gently seaward from a depth of 10m to 20m.

Best to see: stone fish, glass fish, sea fans, cowtail stingrays Level: All levels


Named after the large fossil coral tower on the shore line that marks the site, tower is a drift dive along a Canyon.On the outside left of the canyon there is a large coral head with glassfish (20-25m) where you can see red-mouthed groupers valiantly trying to shepherd them from predators such as lionfish & trevallies. Once past the coral head, the configuration of the reef returns to a more familiar shape with a large, inclined (14m - 25m) sandy plateau and numerous pinnacles to explore.

Best to see: groupers, mantas and whale shark, during the summer Level: Intermediate

Near Garden

A drift dive that usually begins begins on the western corner with an inclined plateau that meets the drop-off at around 30m (although you don't want to be that deep here). At 14m-16m you'll find a pinnacle and a very nice example of a red anemone. Continuing east, with the reef on your left, you'll encounter numerous pinnacles with gorgonian sea fans and, often, pigmy sweepers or glassfish and some beautiful large table corals. In the colorful shallow coral garden at the eastern area of the plateau, you slowly finish your dive.

Best to see: pigmy sweepers, glass fissh and with a bit of luck reef sharks Level: All levels

Middle Garden

Is a vast sandy plateau and is shielded completely from wind and currents and is therefore a very popular spot for Open Water courses, skill intensive related dives such as navigation or photography and lunch breaks, leading the moorings (shamanduras) to often be overcrowded. The sandy plateau here is at its most narrow giving the impression of a white road with various table corals scattered over the vicinity.

Best to see: muray eels and makro creatures Level: All levels

Fiddle Garden

The topography of the site is typical of the Sharm coastline, with a shallow reef wall, an extensive sandy plateau and the drop-off running parallel to the shoreline at approximately 20m. Generally this dive is made as a mooring dive but it is possible to make it as a drift dive heading in the direction of Far Garden.

The main features of this site are two large coral pinnacles (marked as A & B on the map). Pinnacle B is covered in soft white corals and has a very healthy growth of fire coral. Pinnacle A is generally regarded as the more beautiful of the two pinnacles, with its many varied corals, and healthy shoals of pigmy sweepers, juvenile fusiliers and hatchet fish. Directly behind pinnacle B, at a depth of 8m, overgrown with corals, you can find the broken remains of amphoras that are believed to date to Roman times.

Best to see: muray eels, glass fish and turtles Level: All levels

Far Garden

Is the fourth & farthest Garden from Naama Bay. Its configuration is different to the other three Gardens (Near, Middle & Fiddle Gardens) in that the plateau is more inclined, more narrow and has a greater number of pinnacles than the other gardens. At 30m there is the top of a large overhang, known as the Cathedral, which penetrates the reef for a dozen meters or so. Divers should only enter the Cathedral with the appropriate level of experience and training.

Best to see: turtles, scorpion fish, moray eels and reef sharks, in summer manta rays or whale sharks Level: All levels

White Knight

The site is effectively split into two areas; the northeast area comprises a sandy plateau that stretches from the fringe reef (3m) to the drop-off (18-20m), while the southwest area comprises a canyon that bottoms out at 40m, and a rolling reef that contains metallic fragments, old air cylinders and engine remains of a long sunken dive boat, Noose One.The dive site has a lot of macro-life but large filter feeders, such as mantas and eagle rays, are often seen here in the summer.

Best to see: mantas, eagle rays, during the summer Level: All levels

Pinkie Wall

Derives its name from the fact that it is a wall dive (generally made as a shallow drift dive from a boat) and from the abundance of the soft coral Alcyonanian that grows in this area, which is pink in color, thus demonstrating that divers are very pragmatical when it comes to naming a site or suffer from a serious lack of imagination.

Best to see: moray eels, nudibranchs and with a bit of luck manta rays or whale shark in summer Level: All levels


The dive, ideally, is made as a drift dive and consists of a reef wall (approx. max depth of 10m) which slopes down to a long sandy plateau that runs parallel for almost the whole site. On the seaward side of this sandy plateau, along the drop-off, are numerous large coral pinnacles covered in Alcyonanians (a soft coral of the genus Dendronephthya) giving the pinnacles a gorgeous coloring of red, pink, and yellow. You will also find some impressive table corals and sea fans. In the shallow areas you will find numerous caves and overhangs, often inhabited by large numbers of glassfish

Best to see: scorpion fish, moray eels and glass fish Level: All levels

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